понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

9 Form Youth Culture (Texting)


If you are interested in the phenomenon of ‘texting' try to read these messages.
1) R U OK?
2) Y N U?
3) OK CU 2DAY?
5) @J'S. CU L8TR
6) LUV B
7) F2T?
8) N. WER RU?
9) @ WK. NU?
10) @ HM. CU L8TR?
11) Y. WEN?
12) @7. TA4N. CU
13) OK. B4N
14) BTW
15) IMO
16) TTFN

1 класс

Продолжаем тему "Игрушки"
 I`ve got a doll.     У меня есть кукла.
 I`ve got a ball.      У меня есть мячик.
 I`ve got toys.        У меня есть игрушки.
 I like them all.       Они все мне нравятся.

пятница, 27 января 2012 г.

1 класс

Дорогие родители!
Занятие состоится в понедельник. Будем писать буквенный диктант( заглавная и строчная буквы
Mm, Nn, Ss, Ll, Ff, Bb,  Pp )

Обращаю ваше внимание, что диктант мы пишем в блокноте, который домой не выдается, если не нужно делать работу над ошибками (прописывать буквы).


9 Form Youth Culture

Youth Culture
Being a teenager is a time of intense conflict and change. It can be the greatest and most exciting time one minute and the most traumatic and difficult the next. Many aspects of your life become harder to cope with – parents rarely seem to understand you, school pressure has never been greater, and relationships with friends become either stronger or more complicated. The culture of youth is often connected to how teenagers create and develop their identities, finding ways to express and discover themselves. Many aspects of teenage culture involve associating with a particular group; by dressing in a certain way, listening to a particular kind of music, and/or doing a particular activity or sport, This all helps to define them as belonging to a group and so offers protection and support.
Teenagers have often had a great influence on the fashions of a time – with low or no incomes, they often improvise, either making their own or mixing whatever is available.
To many teenagers, image is important and expressing one`s own tastes and identity is very much a part of growing up and discovering oneself. This is often associated with using a particular type of language, or slang, which can also help to define you as belonging to a certain group. These days, in Britain, much of the slang used by teenager seems to involve using words that are opposite to what you want to say. In this way, ‘wicked’ or ‘bad’ actually means ‘fantastic’ or ‘really good’. Other words are made up because they sound like what they are describing. For example, ‘ minging’ was originally invented to mean ‘smelling disgusting’, and has evolved to mean revolting or even ugly. Therefore, ‘he`s a minger’ means ‘he`s disgusting’ or ‘he`s really ugly’. This sort of slang evolves extremely fast and by knowing the latest version, you identify with the group that uses that language. By using this ‘code’, you therefore claim membership to a certain group and at the same time, you exclude those, for example, parents, that you don`t want to know what you are talking about.
Sport, such as football, tennis and athletics, will always be popular as they mix keeping fit with socializing. Skateboarding is hugely popular, particularly in cities, both as a way to get around and as part of a culture including music and fashion. Groups of lads wearing massive baggy trousers, over-sized T-shirts and hooded tops can be seen in most green spaces and even car parks, practicing skating down steps, sliding alone hand rails, trying to ‘catch some air’ or ‘pull a vert’. The tricks some of these guys can pull are incredible and it gives them something to do while just hanging out. Girls, known as ‘Skate Betties’, are also a part of these groups, although it seems that they do less of the actual boarding. But the fashion is still there -     baggy jeans, little tops and belly rings and the occasional eye brow ring can all be seen.
At seventeen or so, many teenagers are getting their first job and a little cash is starting to come in. School work is also putting on the pressure as exams approach. It is therefore important, even crucial, that they get to spend time relaxing with friends – hanging out. Music, TV, films and computers all have their part to play in filling this time. There is a huge amount of music types in the charts and in the shops these days; hip hop, pop, rock, indie, r&b, soul and reggae, to name just a few. The music itself comes with associated fashion, dance styles and images delivered through videos, magazines and TV. Of course, as teenagers grow up, there is a lot of experimenting to be done. Trying different styles associating with different groups, even experimenting with schools, drugs and sex all play their part.
The rise in the use of computers and, in particular, the Internet has opened up a whole new world for spreading information about all aspects of youth culture. Teenagers    in, say, Prague can simply log on to a chat room and can be chatting away to teenagers in, say, Manchester within minutes. This has meant that , instead of having to filter down through magazines, TV and word of mouth, interests such as music and fashion can be shared immediately. This instant access to information has had a huge influence on youth culture, which now changes much more rapidly and with influences from all over the world.
As teenagers start earning money, many choose to get themselves a mobile phone. The phenomenon of ‘texting’ has taken the teenage world by storm, being able to send and receive short messages instantly. It has also brought about a whole new kind of language, as texters try to shorten their messages to save time and money. Now, letters mix with numbers and punctuation to make messages that can take some time figuring out! 

среда, 25 января 2012 г.

9 Form ( look, see, watch)

Valentine's Day

1 класс


Ссылка на видео,где произносятся числа от 1 до 10.

1 класс

Начали изучать тему "Игрушки"
a doll  -  кукла
a teddy-bear  -  плюшевый мишка
a ship  -  кораблик
a train  - поезд (паровозик)

Считаем до 7,обращая внимания на звуки!
1 one ( первый звук [w] - губы складываются "в трубочку" )
2 two (первый звук [t] - язык на бугорках за верхними зубами)
3 three (первый звук [θ] - язык зажимается между зубами и звук произносится без голоса)
4 four  ( первый звук аналогичен русскому [ф] )
5 five
6 six
I``ve got one doll. У меня 1 кукла.
I`ve got (two....seven) dolls ( ships, trains). У меня  (2...7) кукол.(корабликов, паровозик)

Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание на то, что в розовых тетрадках нужно прописывать буквы до конца строки.

9 Form Youth Culture (music)

9 form Card 4

Card 4 Youth Culture

1.What is youth culture connected to?
2.What is image of a teenager associated with?
3.Why is sport often a part of youth culture?
4.What types of relaxation are popular with teenagers?

понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

9 Form, The Passive

9 Form Personal Letter

Адрес в правом верхнем углу (допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде), например:
                                                                                                                         St Petersburg

Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату письма:

                                                                                                                         June 21
Неофициальное обращение (имя друга по переписке, от которого письмо)

Dear Tim,

В первом параграфе
· Благодарность

Thank you for your last letter.

· Упоминание о предыдущих контактах
Sоrrу I haven’t written for so long as I was busy with my exams (school).

· Упоминание факта из полученного письма
I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday party.
I was glad (happy/pleased) to hear that…..

Основная часть письма
You ask me about ……


· Well, I must go now as I have to
· Anyway, I have to go and finish my….
· Hope to hear from you soon. (обязательно  выразить надежду на последующие контакты!)
· Take care and keep in touch!

На отдельной строке завершающая фраза-клише и запятая, и  своё  имя (без фамилии)
под завершающей фразой

Best wishes,

вторник, 17 января 2012 г.

Future Forms - 8 form

 To practice Future Forms:

1) We _____( to have ) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.
2) I think it ____(snow) in the mountains tomorrow evening.
3) On Sunday at 8 o'clock I ___(to meet) my friend.
4) They ___(to fly) to London on Friday evening. They`ve already bought tickets.
5) Wait! I ____ (to drive) you to the station.
6) I ___(to see) my sister in April.
7) Look at the clouds - it ____(to rain) in a few minutes.

1 класс

Продолжаем тему "Семья".
an uncle - дядя
an aunt - тётя
a son  - сын
a daughter- дочь
a friend - друг, подруга

I haven`t got a (brother)   У меня нет (брата).
He hasn`t got a ...            У него нет...
She hasn`t got a ...           У неё нет...
Has she got a...?              У неё есть...?
Has he got a...?               У него есть...?
Have you got a...?           У тебя есть...?

Изучаем буквы и звуки английского алфавита. Просьба прописывать всё, что написано красной ручкой, в тонкой розовой тетрадке. Синие большие тетради буду собирать не каждый урок. Там задания следует выполнять после каждого урока. Номера уроков совпадают с номерами уроков в учебнике.

Спасибо за сотрудничество.

8 form Card 2

8 form Card 2

1. Is it easy to become a firefighter? Why /why not?
2. What kind of people choose a job of a barman? Why do you think so?
3. Why do doctors have to work hard?
4. What are you going to be? Why?

8 Form Card 2(4) Plan

8 form Card 2 (4)

 1.  I’d like (I want) to work as a ………because……
  • I’m going to be a …………………..because……
  • I’ve always wanted to become a ………because……
  • I’ve always wanted to help sick people
  • I want to save lives
  • I like meeting people and socialising
  • I enjoy doing dangerous things
  • I love looking after plants (animals)
  • I don’t mind working hard
  • I like travelling a lot
  • I am good at Maths (Physics, Biology, sports, music)
2.    I think ………s have to be……,…….. and ……….. as ……………..

3.    As far as I know …………s have to … ….and ………. However, they don’t have to ……..

4.    If you want to become a ……….you have to study a lot and to be good at ………..

5.    After school I’m going to study ……… at university (at a college).I know that I need good grades to go to university ( college) so I’ll do my best to pass my State Exams. I’m working really hard at my ….. at the moment. I just hope I’ll be a good …….

вторник, 10 января 2012 г.

Being a teenager

        Being a teenager has never been easy. Teens can face a lot of problems with their parents, friends, teachers, and so on. For example, some teenagers may be teased by their older brothers  and sisters, others feel embarrassed every time they go shopping with their mums. Many of teenagers are jealous of their best friends because they`ve got a better CD player or a mobile phone. Besides, young people split up with their boyfriends or girlfriends and it`s very difficult for them to get over this painful experience. They feel rejected and miserable. Moreover, quite a lot of teens have arguments with their parents when they are overprotective or keep nagging about their kid`s schoolwork.
            Who and how can help teenagers to cope with their problems? I believe that all problems need to be talked about and sorted out. If you have any problem, the best way is to talk to someone and to share your feelings. First of all, try talking to your parents and friends. They may offer you some advice and can really give you a helping hand. Of course sometimes teenagers don`t feel like discussing their problems with friends or parents because they are afraid of misunderstanding. These feelings are normal, but it does help to talk. In this case it might be a good idea to consult a psychologist. Very often it`s better to talk to a complete stranger about your problems rather than someone you know very well. Psychologists are professionals:  they will listen to you sympathetically and offer advice where appropriate.
            As to me, I`m rather a sociable person as I make friends easily.  I get on well with all my classmates and we enjoy chatting and sharing our thoughts and feelings. Besides, I always help them if they have difficulties in doing their homework. Of course, we don`t always agree about everything but we easily sort out all our disagreements. We have a very close and easy-going relationship.
            I also get on very well with my sister she is my best friend, even though she`s three years older than me. We go out together almost every weekend, and we always have fun. My sister doesn`t tease or bully me. In fact, we`ve never had a serious argument. Unfortunately, I can`t say that I have no problems with my parents. I`m just a basic teenager and I want to go out and have fun with my friends. But I have no freedom at all. My parents are always trying what I am doing and with whom. All they ever want to do is to talk about how I should focus on my school. They don`t understand that there can be more important things for teens than good marks in their school-leaving certificates. Nevertheless, I try to get on well with them as I understand that they do love me and just worry about my future. So I try not to upset them.

понедельник, 9 января 2012 г.

9 form Card 3 Youth Problems

9th form Card 3 Term 2

Card 3 Youth Problems

1.Why is youth of utmost importance in the life of man?
2.What serious problems does the young generation face nowadays?
3.Why is "the generation gap problem" inevitable?
4.What problems do you have and how do you cope with them?