понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

Устный зачет (5 Form) - 2nd Term

Устный зачет
Dialogue (22/02)
Monologue (25/02)
I part
P 141 ex 6(Excuse me. Could you help me?)
P 150 ex 7 (Hi, Polly!)
P 183 ex 11(Excuse me)

II part
P8 ex11(How was your trip?)
P 24 ex 13( At The Railway Station)
P33 ex 14(I would like a ticket to Moscow, please)
p 41(I) (What bus do I take to the Pushkin Museum?)
p 41(II) (Excuse me, how do I get to the centre of the city?)
I part
P150 (This is London)
P158 (The Romans)
P165-166 ( Some Facts about the History of London)
P174 (The Places to Visit)
P 183 (Westminster)

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