Saint Petersburg
This city has become sacred to every Russian citizen. Some of the most glorious pages of Russian history and culture are closely associated with St Petersburg. The whole city is itself a wonderful monument, a museum, it is “ music fixed in stone”.
This Northern city on the Neva River is a city of magic beauty sung by poets and painted by artists, a city of marvelous “white nights”, broad straight avenues, green parks and countless bridges and canals.
The greatest architects of the 18th and 19th centuries created magnificent ensembles in our city.
St Petersburg was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on the 27 of may , in 1703 and for two centuries remained the capital of the vast Russian Empire. Now Saint Petersburg is a major European cultural center, and also an important Russian port on the Baltic Sea.
We’ll never forget the heroic deeds of the citizens of Leningrad, who during the war, were under siege [siːdʒ] for 900 days and have withstood.
People living in St Petersburg are hospitable and generous.
There are a lot of places of interest in our city , that is why it is often visited by tourists from all over the world.
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