пятница, 16 ноября 2012 г.

среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

8 Form Card 1

Card 1” Wieliczka Salt Mine”.

1. What legend attracts tourists to Wieliczka Salt Mine?
2. Why is the place a real hidden world of wonders?
3. What are tourists shown in the place now?
4. Would you recommend it to visit? Why/Why not?

четверг, 10 мая 2012 г.

9 Form Card 4

Card 4
1How will our leisure time and education change in 2050?
2Why will our home life be better in the future?
3 How will travel change ?
4 Will people become healthier? Why/ why not?

среда, 2 мая 2012 г.

8 Form Card 5

Card 5.
1. What makes people start thinking about safety of their houses?
2. Where should parents keep sharp things or cleaning products? Why?
3. How to prevent fires and electric shock at home?
4. What is necessary to do to make your house and garden safe places for small children?

суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс

Итак, мы приступили к изучению алфавита. Пойте,пожалуйста , "алфавитную песенку" ( звуковое пособие 127)
Задание в тетрадке на стр 32(ур.71)
Счастливых выходных!

вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс

Мы закончили изучать буквы. Теперь начинаем их выстраивать в алфавитном порядке.
Дома ребята должны выполнить домашнее задание урока 69.

Новые слова : funny monkey - забавная обезьянка.

В упр. 5 (110) нужно прослушать вопросы и ответить на  них:

1.What toys has Lis got?

2.How many toys has she got?

3.What colours are her monkeys?

4.Is her dog big or little? 

5.What funny toys has she got?

6.Has Dick got funny toys?

7.What funny toys has he got?

8.What little toys has he got?

9.How many little cars has he got?

10.What colour are his little cars?

 Какие игрушки есть у Лиз?

Сколько игрушек у неё есть?

Какого цвета её обезьянки?

Её собака большая или маленькая?

Какие забавные игрушки у неё есть?

У Дика есть забавные игрушки?

Какие забавные игрушки у него есть?

Какие маленькие игрушки у него есть?

Сколько у него маленьких машинок?

Какого цвета его маленькие машинки?

вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

8 Form Card 4

Билет 4. “Theatrical Life of St. Petersburg.”

1. Why is the theatrical life in St. Petersburg rich?
2. What kind of performances do drama theatres offer to the public?
3. What other places can you recommend to visit in St. Petersburg? Why 
4. What was the last performance you saw? (Where? When? What was it like?)

8 form Card 3

The Cinema

1. Why are people's leisure time activities so different?
2. Why is a visit to the cinema an excellent entertainment?
3.Why isn't it easy to make a new film?
4. What kinds of films are popular with people? Why?

1 класс

Уважаемые родители , обратите внимание, что несколько уроков мы проходим не те буквы, которые даны в конце урока.
Урок 66. Буква Uu (обратите внимание!)
a pig - поросенок
a hare - заяц.
Я собрала тетрадки и прописи. Верну в пятницу.

Дома нужно выучить стихотворение:

I`ve Got Many Toys

I`ve got a hare.
I`ve got a bear.
My toys are here.
My toys are there.

My horses are white.
My kittens are grey.
I`ve got many toys.
Let`s  play.

У меня много игрушек

У меня есть заяц.
У меня есть мишка.
Мои игрушки здесь.
Мои игрушки там.

Мои лошадки белые. 
Мои котята серые.
У меня много игрушек.
Давайте поиграем.

пятница, 13 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс

Сегодня выучили букву Ii
What colour is ( a ball)?  -  Какого цвета ( мячик)?
 a chick - цыпленок
 a duck - утка

8 Form Card 2 (Theatre)

Card2 "Theatre" 8th form
1. Is theatre-going popular nowadays? Why/Why not?
2. What happens in the theatre before a performance starts?
3. What creates a special atmosphere at the theatre?
4. Are you an ardent theatre goer? Why/Why not?

9 Form Card3 Mass Media

Card3 Mass Media

1What is the role of Mass Media in modern life?
2What does the term Mass Media refer to?
3What are the most popular sources of information nowadays and why?
4What are the negative effects of Mass Media?

Where do you prefer to get information and why?

9 Form Card 2 British Press

Card 2 British Press

Why do people read newspapers?
In what two different ways do papers in Britain treat information?
What are the most popular quality papers and tabloids in Britain?
What makes Fleet street the symbol of the British Press?

среда, 11 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс. My toys.

Рассказ о любимой игрушке.
1. У меня есть много игушек :.... и......, ...... и .....,..... ( перечислить игрушки во множественном числе)
2. Но я люблю играть с.......
3. Она( игрушка) - размер(большая или маленькая).
4. Она (цвет)
5. Давайте поиграем с .....

1.I`ve got many toys: balls and dolls, cars and trains, cows and horses, teddy-bears and frogs, cats and kittens, dogs and puppies.
2.But I like to play with my teddy-bear.
3.It`s big.
4.It`s brown.
5.Let`s play with my  teddy-bear.

вторник, 10 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс

Уважаемые родители!
На уроке изучалась Уу. нужно выполнить упр 1,2 в рабочей тетраде(урок 75). устное задание прежнее. На следующий урок снова принести цветные карандаши.

9 form card 1(3)

Card 1(3)

Taking exams is also a very stressful experience as today too much emphasis is placed on examination results. Your whole future might depend on your exam results. Students feel that it’s unfair to give a person only one chance to show what they are capable of. What is more, exams don’t actually test a person’s knowledge of a subject but rather show how much they can remember on the day of the exam. In addition, facts such as students feeling unwell or suffering from a case of nerves on the day of the exams are not taken into consideration. It often happens that you’ve participated in class, done all of your homework and studied hard. The day of the exam comes and suddenly you feel so nervous that you can’t answer the questions you knew last night. Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety – a feeling one might have when performance is really important. So it’s vital to know how to cope with your test anxiety and to do your best on the day of the exam.

9 form card 1(1,2)

Card 1(1,2)

                                                                                                                                          Zhokhova L.
Changing school is a rather stressful experience. To start with, you don’t know anyone or anything at your new school and you are afraid that you won’t be able to make new friends. What’s more, with no one to support you, you think that your new schoolmates might start teasing you or, even worse, bullying. You know that bullying is a common experience for many teenagers. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, as well as their school performance. You miss your old school and friends as never before. You are frustrated, terrified and miserable. However, you need just a little time and patience to overcome your fright.
There are some useful tips you should follow to feel at home at a new place:

Be confident. Walk with your head held high and don't slouch. If you look confident, everyone will think you're confident. That's why first impressions are so important.

Get used to the school. Using the Internet, it’s easy to find out ahead of time about the new school and what it offers. This way you'll know where everything is. You also won't be embarrassed because you do not know where anything is.

Join in some after school activities. That way you will meet some friends that have the same interests as you.
Introduce yourself to your new teachers. They will be glad that you can speak for yourself and will respect you for that. It may be hard for you but you do not have to do it in the middle of class!

Try to look your best the first day of school. Wear your best outfit (not fancy), and do your hair nice and neat. Remember, first impressions are important.

Talk with the person who sits next to you. You'll make a friend you sit next to every day.

Smile. Smiling is one of the quickest ways of making people like you. It makes you seem more friendly.

There are also some clever strategies to deal with bullies.

Don't fight back. Instead, try walking away to avoid the bully, or seek help from a teacher or other adult.

Practise what to say to the bully to be prepared the next time.

Practise being assertive. The simple act of insisting that the bully leave you alone may have a surprising effect. The bully's true goal is to get a response.

Try to be with classmates when travelling back and forth from school, during school trips, or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a person in a group.

9 form Card 1

  Card 1 (3 term)

1. Why is changing school a stressful experience?
2. What advice can be given to a teenager who starts a new school?
3. What makes exams so stressful for students?
4. What should you do in order to cope with you stress and be a success at an exam?

воскресенье, 8 апреля 2012 г.

1 класс

Уважаемыек родители !
Во вторник (10.04) будет диктант. Последние две буквы Аа,Ее. На уроке понадобятся цветные карандаши. Нужно учить название цветов
white белый
black черный
red красный
blue синий
green зеленый
grey серый
pink розовый
brown коричневый
yellow желтый


пятница, 23 марта 2012 г.

1 класс

Занятие на каникулах состоится 26.03.
1 группа -11.00-11.35
2 группа - 12.00-12.35.
Будем изучать букву Zz.

Новые слова :
big - большой
little - маленький.

До встречи!

пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.

1 класс

Итак, добавились новые слова:
a mouse - мышь
mice - мыши (обратите внимание на исключение образования множественного числа)
a house - houses ( дом - дома, в ед.числе произносится [s], во мн.числе [ziz])
a horse - лошадь
a cow - корова
a robot -робот
a computer - компьютер

Отрицательная структура : It is not (a frog). - Это не лягушка.

 Ребята должны составить рассказ о себе по примеру звукового письма от Била ( ур 57)
 My name is....I am from Russia. I am 7. My telephone number is ..........( каждая цифра произносится отдельлно. 0 произносится как [ou], две одинаковых цифры рядом (11)- double one)
I`ve got a mother........ I haven`t got a brother.....
I` ve got many toys. I`ve got ...... I like to play with my... I like to draw my...

воскресенье, 11 марта 2012 г.

1 класс

Во вторник пишем буквенный диктант. Последние изученные буквы : Jj, Qq, Rr, Ww.
 It is ( a frog) - Это лягушка.
Is it (a frog)?- Это лягушка?

It is a frog                                  Is it a frog?
It is a cat                                   Is it a cat?
It is a dog                                  Is it a dog?
It is a rat (Это крыса).              Is it a rat?

Повторяйте буквы и цифры. Спасибо.

пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

1 класс

Дорогие родители!
В среду 07.02. состоится дополнительное занятие. Во вторник занятие по расписанию. В воскресенье занятия по расписанию пятницы.
Дома тренируйте вопрос :" What is your telephone number? ''
Ответ :"My  telephone number is ....."
Какой у тебя номер телефона?
Мой телефонный номер - ( каждая цифра произносится отдельно)


вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form Card6(4)

from "Opportunities pre-intermediate Russian edition"

Nobel,/nəʊˈbɛl/ Alfred Bernhard (1833–96), Swedish chemist and engineer. He invented dynamite (1866), and other high explosives, making a large fortune which enabled him to set up the prizes that bear his name.

пятница, 17 февраля 2012 г.

1 класс

Продолжаем тему "Игрушки"
I like to play with (my toys) Я люблю играть в игрушки.
I like to draw (my toys)  Я люблю рисовать игрушки.
Let`s play     Давайте поиграем
Let`s run  
Let`s jump
It`s fun   Это весело.
 a cat  кошка
a kitten котенок
a dog собака
a puppy щенок

Ребята могут рассказать про свои игрушки:
I`ve got many toys. I`ve got (5 cars, 4 ships....). I like to play with my toys. I like to draw...

Во вторник(21.02) мы пишем числа : я диктую по-английски, ребята пишут числа. Повторите, пожалуйста, цифры не по порядку.

Последняя буква Kk, во вторник изучим Hh. В пятницу - буквенный диктант. Пожалуйста, повторяйте буквы и звуки.

9 Form Card 6(3)

Card 6(3)
In the history of science there are a lot of outstanding names known to the whole world. One of them is Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish scientist, inventor and industrialist. The whole world knows his name due to the Annual Nobel Prize. According to his will the money he left made up Nobel`s Foundation. It consisted originally of 51 million Swedish crowns.  The shares of this foundation bring profits every year  and the Prize money come from this these profits. Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and for Peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. The prize can be given once in a lifetime. Many famous scientists received Nobel `s Prize: Einstein, Pavlov, Sakharov, Gorbachev, Bunin , Brodsky.

четверг, 16 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form Card 6(1,2)

Card 6(1,2)
What does it take to be a scientist?

In my opinion a true definition of science is that it is a vast collection of facts and secondly, a collection of rules and laws which explain the connection between these facts. This does not sound very interesting, but it is extremely important.
          To be a scientist you have to have a strong desire to learn new things and you have to be really fascinated by the scientific wonders of the world. Becoming a scientist also requires intelligence, creativity and logical reasoning. Of course, you should be persistent, hardworking and organized. I think it's very difficult to become a great scientist because scientific career requires not only a great talent but also a lot of dedication.
I think we may define two types of scientists: firstly, those who put forward theories which appear absurd at the beginning and finally are recognized great. Secondly, those who make their own inventions or make inventions of other people into practical things.
Most typical of both are Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Edison is known all over the world for some of his successful inventions such as phonograph, the bulb and moving pictures. Albert Einstein was a scientist of a quite different type. His only tools were his mind, a pen, and a note-book. With these he developed his theories that gave birth to the atomic theory.

суббота, 11 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form 2 term Card 5 (3,4)

I suppose in the near future the mankind may carry out such space projects as making interplanetary flights to Mars and sending probes to Venus and Mercury.
Some of the urgent problems scientific minds are working at nowadays are finding a cure for serious diseases like cancer and AIDS, finding alternative sources of energy as well as studying particles smaller than atoms and creating new materials.

A real breakthrough of the 21st century is nanotechnology. It’s the technology of materials of microscopic size. Nanotechnology can be used to improve the efficiency of traditional materials, to seek and destroy cancerous tissue. There is even speculation that materials can be developed that will allow machines to repair themselves in the same way as the human body does. However, some people are already expressing their concerns that nanotechnology may be difficult to control. For example, nanoparticles are so small that they can cross biological barriers and penetrate tissues and organs which can cause DNA mutation. I think scientists should continue their research as nanotechnology can make people’s lives better. However, they must be cautious not to overdevelop the technology before we know all of the risks and possible dangers.

пятница, 10 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form Card 5

The advantage of science is that there are no state boundaries to it. Constant exchange of ideas among the scientists has always existed. The 19th and the early 20th centuries were the time of extremely important scientific discoveries. Some of them were of practical character, like the first steam engine, electricity and radio. The others represented ideas and theories. For example, Charles Darwin published two books: “On the Origin of Species” and “The Descent of Man”. The books stated that man came under the same laws as all other living things.  Another man whose ideas radically changed the mentality of people in the 20th century was Tsiolkovsky. He worked out the theory of space flights. In April 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit the Earth. Throughout the 20th century science and technology brought a lot of improvements into people`s life. Medical researches help to control or prevent many devastating diseases.
Computers are used to assemble, store, process and reproduce information. The computer age is just dawning. No one can say how far the computer revolution will go or what its long-term consequences may be.

1 класс

Дорогие родители первоклассников!
Во время каникул на следующей неделе занятия по английскому языку будут проводиться по расписанию.  Во вторник будет следующий буквенный диктант: Mm, Nn, Ll, Ff, Ss, Pp, Bb, Vv, Dd, Tt, Cc, Gg
Обратите,пожалуйста, внимание на буквы.Если не получится присутствовать на занятиях во вторник и пятницу, следующие буквы Kk, Hh. Буквы нужно постоянно повторять.
Спасибо за сотрудничество.

четверг, 9 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form 2 Term Card 6

Card 6
 1. What does it take to be a good scientist?
 2. What two main types of scientists can we define?
 3. How was the annual Nobel Prize founded?
 4. What work did the Russian Prize winners receive the Nobel Prize for?

9 Form 2 Term Card 5

VCard 5
1. What is the role of science and technology in our life?
2. What inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as most important?
3. What urgent scientific problems are scientific minds working at nowadays?
4. Is nanotechnology the next big thing? Why\why not?

суббота, 4 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form (Robert Burns)

9 Form (Robert Burns)

(Перевод С.Я.Маршака)
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
 And never brought to mind?
 Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

 For auld lang syne, my dear,
 For auld lang syne,
 We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
 For auld lang syne!

 And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,
 And surely I'll be mine,
 And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,
 For auld lang syne!

 For auld lang syne, my dear,
 For auld lang syne,
 We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
 For auld lang syne!

 We twa hae run about the braes,
 And pou'd the gowans fine,
 But we've wander'd monie a weary fit,
 Sin auld lang syne.

 We twa hae paidl'd in the burn
 Frae morning sun till dine,
 But seas between us braid hae roar'd
 Sin auld lang syne.

 And there's a hand my trusty fiere,
 And gie's a hand o thine,
 And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,
 For auld lang syne

 For auld lang syne, my dear,
 For auld lang syne,
 We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
 For auld lang syne!
Забыть ли старую любовь
 И не грустить о ней?
 Забыть ли старую любовь
 И дружбу прежних дней?

 За дружбу старую - До дна!
 За счастье прежних дней!
 С тобой мы выпьем, старина,
 За счастье прежних дней.

 Побольше кружки приготовь
 И доверху налей.
 Мы пьем за старую любовь,
 За дружбу прежних дней.

 За дружбу старую - До дна!
 За счастье юных дней!
 По кружке старого вина -
 За счастье юных дней.

 С тобой топтали мы вдвоем
 Траву родных полей,
 Но не один крутой подъем
 Мы взяли с юных дней.

 Переплывали мы не раз
 С тобой через ручей.
 Но море разделило нас,
 Товарищ юных дней...

 И вот с тобой сошлись мы вновь.
 Твоя рука - в моей.
 Я пью за старую любовь,
 За дружбу прежних дней!

 За дружбу старую - До дна!
 За счастье прежних дней!
 С тобой мы выпьем, старина,
 За счастье прежних дней.

 (auld=old; auld lang syne - times gone by; be - pay for; braes - hills; braid - broad;
 burn - stream; dine - dinner time; fiere - friend; fit - foot; gowans - daisies;
 guid-willie waught - goodwill drink; monie - many; morning sun - noon;
 paidl't - paddled; pint-stowp - pint tankard; pou'd - pulled; twa - two.)

9 Form (Robert Burns)

(Перевод С.Я.Маршака)
From thee, Eliza, I must go,
 And from my native shore;
 The cruel fates between us throw
 A boundless ocean's roar:

 But boundless oceans, roaring wide,
 Between my love and me,
 They never, never can divide
 My heart and soul from thee.

 Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear,
 The maid that I adore!
 A boding voice is in mine ear,
 We part to meet no more!

 But the latest throb that leaves my heart,
 While Death stands victor by, -
 That throb, Eliza, is thy part,
 And thine that latest sigh!
Прощусь, Элиза, я с тобой
 Для дальних, чуждых стран.
 Мою судьбу с твоей судьбой
 Разделит океан.

 Пусть нам в разлуке до конца
 Томиться суждено, -
 Не разлучаются сердца,
 Что спаяны в одно!

 Оставлю я в родной стране
 Тебя, мой лучший клад.
 И тайный голос шепчет мне:
 Я не вернусь назад.

 Последнее пожатье рук
 Я унесу с собой.
 Тебе - последний сердца стук
 И вздох последний мой.

9 Form (Robert Burns)

Burns Original  

Standard English Translation

Перевод Маршака

Comin Thro' The Rye.

 O Jenny's a' weet, poor body,
 Jenny's seldom dry:
 She draigl't a' her petticoatie,
 Comin thro' the rye!

 Comin thro' the rye, poor body,
 Comin thro' the rye,
 She draigl't a' her petticoatie,
 Comin thro' the rye!

Gin a body meet a body
 Comin thro' the rye,
 Gin a body kiss a body,
 Need a body cry?

 Gin a body meet a body
 Comin thro' the glen,
 Gin a body kiss a body,
 Need the warld ken?

 Gin a body meet a body
 Comin thro' the grain,
 Gin a body kiss a body,
 The thing's a body's ain.
Coming Through The Rye.

 O Jenny is all wet, poor body,
 Jenny is seldom dry:
 She draggled all her petticoats,
 Coming through the rye!

Coming through the rye, poor body,
 Coming through the rye,
 She draggled all her petticoats,
 Coming through the rye!

Should a body meet a body
 Coming through the rye,
 Should a body kiss a body,
 Need a body cry?

Should a body meet a body
 Coming through the glen,
 Should a body kiss a body,
 Need the world know?

Should a body meet a body
 Coming through the grain,
 Should a body kiss a body,
 The thing is a body's own.

Пробираясь до калитки
Полем вдоль межи,
Дженни вымокла до нитки
Вечером во ржи.

Очень холодно девчонке,
Бьет девчонку дрожь:
Замочила все юбчонки,
Идя через рожь.

Если кто-то звал кого-то
Сквозь густую рожь
И кого-то обнял кто-то
что с него возьмешь?

И какая нам забота,
Если у межи
Целовался с кем-то кто-то
Вечером во ржи!..

понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

9 Form Youth Culture (Texting)


If you are interested in the phenomenon of ‘texting' try to read these messages.
1) R U OK?
2) Y N U?
3) OK CU 2DAY?
5) @J'S. CU L8TR
6) LUV B
7) F2T?
8) N. WER RU?
9) @ WK. NU?
10) @ HM. CU L8TR?
11) Y. WEN?
12) @7. TA4N. CU
13) OK. B4N
14) BTW
15) IMO
16) TTFN

1 класс

Продолжаем тему "Игрушки"
 I`ve got a doll.     У меня есть кукла.
 I`ve got a ball.      У меня есть мячик.
 I`ve got toys.        У меня есть игрушки.
 I like them all.       Они все мне нравятся.

пятница, 27 января 2012 г.

1 класс

Дорогие родители!
Занятие состоится в понедельник. Будем писать буквенный диктант( заглавная и строчная буквы
Mm, Nn, Ss, Ll, Ff, Bb,  Pp )

Обращаю ваше внимание, что диктант мы пишем в блокноте, который домой не выдается, если не нужно делать работу над ошибками (прописывать буквы).


9 Form Youth Culture

Youth Culture
Being a teenager is a time of intense conflict and change. It can be the greatest and most exciting time one minute and the most traumatic and difficult the next. Many aspects of your life become harder to cope with – parents rarely seem to understand you, school pressure has never been greater, and relationships with friends become either stronger or more complicated. The culture of youth is often connected to how teenagers create and develop their identities, finding ways to express and discover themselves. Many aspects of teenage culture involve associating with a particular group; by dressing in a certain way, listening to a particular kind of music, and/or doing a particular activity or sport, This all helps to define them as belonging to a group and so offers protection and support.
Teenagers have often had a great influence on the fashions of a time – with low or no incomes, they often improvise, either making their own or mixing whatever is available.
To many teenagers, image is important and expressing one`s own tastes and identity is very much a part of growing up and discovering oneself. This is often associated with using a particular type of language, or slang, which can also help to define you as belonging to a certain group. These days, in Britain, much of the slang used by teenager seems to involve using words that are opposite to what you want to say. In this way, ‘wicked’ or ‘bad’ actually means ‘fantastic’ or ‘really good’. Other words are made up because they sound like what they are describing. For example, ‘ minging’ was originally invented to mean ‘smelling disgusting’, and has evolved to mean revolting or even ugly. Therefore, ‘he`s a minger’ means ‘he`s disgusting’ or ‘he`s really ugly’. This sort of slang evolves extremely fast and by knowing the latest version, you identify with the group that uses that language. By using this ‘code’, you therefore claim membership to a certain group and at the same time, you exclude those, for example, parents, that you don`t want to know what you are talking about.
Sport, such as football, tennis and athletics, will always be popular as they mix keeping fit with socializing. Skateboarding is hugely popular, particularly in cities, both as a way to get around and as part of a culture including music and fashion. Groups of lads wearing massive baggy trousers, over-sized T-shirts and hooded tops can be seen in most green spaces and even car parks, practicing skating down steps, sliding alone hand rails, trying to ‘catch some air’ or ‘pull a vert’. The tricks some of these guys can pull are incredible and it gives them something to do while just hanging out. Girls, known as ‘Skate Betties’, are also a part of these groups, although it seems that they do less of the actual boarding. But the fashion is still there -     baggy jeans, little tops and belly rings and the occasional eye brow ring can all be seen.
At seventeen or so, many teenagers are getting their first job and a little cash is starting to come in. School work is also putting on the pressure as exams approach. It is therefore important, even crucial, that they get to spend time relaxing with friends – hanging out. Music, TV, films and computers all have their part to play in filling this time. There is a huge amount of music types in the charts and in the shops these days; hip hop, pop, rock, indie, r&b, soul and reggae, to name just a few. The music itself comes with associated fashion, dance styles and images delivered through videos, magazines and TV. Of course, as teenagers grow up, there is a lot of experimenting to be done. Trying different styles associating with different groups, even experimenting with schools, drugs and sex all play their part.
The rise in the use of computers and, in particular, the Internet has opened up a whole new world for spreading information about all aspects of youth culture. Teenagers    in, say, Prague can simply log on to a chat room and can be chatting away to teenagers in, say, Manchester within minutes. This has meant that , instead of having to filter down through magazines, TV and word of mouth, interests such as music and fashion can be shared immediately. This instant access to information has had a huge influence on youth culture, which now changes much more rapidly and with influences from all over the world.
As teenagers start earning money, many choose to get themselves a mobile phone. The phenomenon of ‘texting’ has taken the teenage world by storm, being able to send and receive short messages instantly. It has also brought about a whole new kind of language, as texters try to shorten their messages to save time and money. Now, letters mix with numbers and punctuation to make messages that can take some time figuring out!