четверг, 16 февраля 2012 г.

9 Form Card 6(1,2)

Card 6(1,2)
What does it take to be a scientist?

In my opinion a true definition of science is that it is a vast collection of facts and secondly, a collection of rules and laws which explain the connection between these facts. This does not sound very interesting, but it is extremely important.
          To be a scientist you have to have a strong desire to learn new things and you have to be really fascinated by the scientific wonders of the world. Becoming a scientist also requires intelligence, creativity and logical reasoning. Of course, you should be persistent, hardworking and organized. I think it's very difficult to become a great scientist because scientific career requires not only a great talent but also a lot of dedication.
I think we may define two types of scientists: firstly, those who put forward theories which appear absurd at the beginning and finally are recognized great. Secondly, those who make their own inventions or make inventions of other people into practical things.
Most typical of both are Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Edison is known all over the world for some of his successful inventions such as phonograph, the bulb and moving pictures. Albert Einstein was a scientist of a quite different type. His only tools were his mind, a pen, and a note-book. With these he developed his theories that gave birth to the atomic theory.

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